Sunday, January 9, 2011

2 Days 'til Takeoff...

On 11:17 AM on Tuesday I will be leaving on a flight out of Charlotte, NC beginning my journey to La France!... Well, as long as the weather permits.... As of now there is a 100% chance of snow tomorrow and ice on Tuesday morning. I hope and pray that this will not deter any of my flight arrangements! After leaving out of CLT, I have a 6 hour layover in Chicago before I begin the long flight to Paris. After arriving in Paris at 9:40 AM (3:40 AM in North Carolina), I have a 3 hour train ride to Nantes.

Once in Nantes I will be taken by taxi to the IES Center. IES is the study abroad program that I am going to be a part of. There are about 60 American students in this program that I will be taking classes with and I will spend most of the 4 months with these students. We have the option of taking classes at the IES abroad center with professors who tailor their lessons for American students, or at the Universite De Nantes with French professors and every day French students. I will probably have a mixture of the 2 but will not know for sure until I arrive.

Packing has been a struggle. It seemed impossible to pack in 1 suitcase and 1 duffel bag for 4 months. But finally, after hours of taking stuff out, rearranging, and re-weighing, it finally seems to be ready for departure. Now lets just hope I am!

With All My Love,

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