Monday, February 7, 2011

Another weekend in Nantes...


My computer screen broke the other day so I am having to update my blog whenever I have some free time at the IES center. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!

This past weekend was fun! Saturday night we went to a place called "Burger House" which is owned by an American man who married someone from Nantes. They live in the United States for half the year and here for the other half. It was so nice to be able to order food in English! I had a delicious chicken sandwich which we ate on the steps of a beautiful cathedrale. Afterwards we went to this cute little cafe called "La Maison" (the house). Each room was decorated like a 1970s house. There was even a bathtub turned into a table...

Other than that things are the same as usual... I hope to get pictures up soon!


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